Awaken Your Senses

We serve a variety of both iced and hot coffee lattes with a signature touch of Noir speciality mixes and flavours.

Awaken Your Senses

We serve a variety of both iced and hot coffee lattes with a signature touch of Noir speciality mixes and flavours.

  • Americano Black Coffee

    Americano Black Coffee 220ml

  • Single Espresso

    A single shot of coffee 20ml

  • Double Espresso

    A double shot of coffee 35ml

  • Saudi Coffee

    Traditional Saudi Coffee Beans, Cardamom served from the Traditional Pot and Cup 300 ml

  • V60

    Italian-Origin Coffee Beans dripped using a Special V60 Dripper 250ml

  • Geisha

    Geisha Coffee Beans – one of the finest and rarest coffee beans in the world, roasted in one of the best roasteries in the world (Italy) 250ml

  • Affogato Al Caffè

    Italian Vanilla-Flavoured Gelato with Espresso Coffee 18 ml

  • Pistachio Latte

    Pistachio Coffee with Steamed Milk 220ml

  • Matcha Latte

    Matcha with Steamed Milk (Coffee Optional) 220ml

  • Café Latte

    Most Popular Drink; Espresso Shot, Steamed Milk with Foam, and Cocoa Powder 220ml

  • Cappuccino

    Italian Cappuccino Espresso Coffee, Foamed Milk, and delicious Cacao Powder 220ml

  • Macchiato

    Espresso-based Drink with Foam 220ml

  • Spanish Latte

    Espresso Shot, Steamed Milk with Foam, Sweetened Milk, and Cocoa Powder 220ml

  • Flat White

    Espresso Shot, Microfoam, and Cocoa Powder 220ml

  • Rose Latte

    Flavoured Café Latte; Espresso Shot, Steamed Milk, Rose Water, Rose Syrup, Vanilla, and Cocoa Powder 220ml

  • Caramel Latte

    Flavoured Café Latte; Espresso Shot, Steamed Milk, Sea Salt Caramel, and Cocoa Powder 220ml

  • Cortado

    Perfect Balance of Espresso Shot and Steamed Milk 220ml

  • KitKat Mocha

    Chocolate-Espresso Drink; Espresso Shot, KitKat Chocolate Bar, Steamed Milk with Foam, and Cocoa Powder 220ml

  • Hot Chocolate

    European (French) Chocolate, Fresh Milk, Marshmallows, Cinnamon, and Cocoa Powder 220ml

  • White Hot Chocolate

    European (Swiss) White Chocolate, Fresh Milk, Marshmallows, Cinnamon, and Cocoa Powder 220ml

  • Iced Pistachio Latte

    Iced Pistachio Coffee with Fresh Milk and Cold Foam 220ml

  • Iced Matcha Latte

    Iced Matcha with Fresh and Sweetened Milk, and Cold Foam (Coffee Optional) 220ml

  • Iced Spanish Latte

    Iced Espresso-based Drink; Espresso Shot, Fresh and Sweetened Milk, and Cold Foam 220ml

  • Iced Caramel Latte

    Iced Caramel-Flavoured Café Latte; Espresso Shot, Fresh Milk, Sea Salt Caramel Sauce, and Cold Foam 220ml

  • Iced Rose Latte

    Iced Rose-Flavoured Café Latte; Espresso Shot, Fresh Milk, Rose Water, Rose Syrup, Vanilla, and Cold Foam 220ml

  • Lotus Special Latte

    Lotus Biscuit, Lotus Spread, Vanilla, Milk, and Cold Foam 220ml

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